

I am Chengjun Jia, a 5th-year Phd Student in Tsinghua Univeristy. I major in Computer Network, under the supervision of Prof. Jun Li of NSlab. I have finished a project with Tencent for ACL on SmartNIC and I am interning at Huawei 2012 Lab on RNIC from 2020/07.

More Information

I am expert at Packet Classification, Traffic Scheduler and Congestion Control. I am familiar with Distribued System and Computer Network, especially the Programmable Data Center Network. I have used Barefoot Tofino, Xilinx U50 FPGA SmartNIC, Mellanox BlueField-2, DPDK and ns-3 library. I am admiring ‘Cloud-Native’ and my experiments are on Docker, with some based on BMv2, Spark or Ray. I am also admiring the conda project with data analysis on numpy/scipy.


  1. Chengjun Jia, Chenglong Li, Yifan Li, Xiaohe Hu and Jun Li, An Observation of Packet Classification: Most Rules are at the Top, IEEE INFOCOM Workshops, 2022.
  2. Chengjun Jia, Yifan Li, Xiaohe Hu, and Jun Li. The last RTT matters and we can preact. Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Poster and Demo Sessions, 2021.
  3. Yifan Li, Jake Jia, Xiaohe Hu, and Jun Li. Real Time Control Plane Verification. Proc. of the SIGCOMM Workshop on Networking and Programming Languages (NetPL), 2019.
  4. Chengjun Jia, Zhe Fu, Xiaohe Hu, Shui Cao, Liang Wang, Jun Li. Multi-Core HTB for Bandwidth Sharing. Proc. of ANCS, 2018.

My Girl

Contact me

Here is my CV. If you have any problem, you can contact me by chengjunjiathu@outlook.com